Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
- Matthew 19:14
The vision of the Children’s Ministry at HCF is to love, serve, and shepherd children so that they are encouraged to choose a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to grow in their relationship with Him, and to be equipped to live a life committed to serving Him.
Our Sunday curriculum is Answers in Genesis; where the children study through the entire
Bible in a four year timeframe.
Our Sunday curriculum is Answers in Genesis; where the children study through the entire
Bible in a four year timeframe.



7 - 12 YEARS OLD
The nursery is open during the Sunday 8:30AM service.
The full children's ministry is available during the Sunday 10:30AM service.
Wednesday night AWANA at 6:30PM
The full children's ministry is available during the Sunday 10:30AM service.
Wednesday night AWANA at 6:30PM
To help provide the safest environment for our children, all of our volunteers are screened and
believe in the core principles given in Horizon’s mission statement.
believe in the core principles given in Horizon’s mission statement.

Awana helps parents to raise children to know, love and serve Jesus Christ. Awana is our midweek discipleship club where children have the opportunity to memorize, study, and learn life lessons from God's Word to help them grow spiritually, and have a blast playing exciting games and activities.
Awana meets Wednesday nights from September - May.
Awana is divided into three segments:
- Games: Kids participate in fun and exciting games.
- Handbook & Small Groups: Kids rehearse, memorize and study scripture in smaller groups.
- Large Group: Kids sing, worship and hear a Bible lesson specifically for them to apply to their life.
We have four divisions of Awana Clubs:
- Puggles 0-2
- Cubbies 3-4yrs
- Sparks K-2nd grade
- TnT 3–6th grade
The name AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, and comes from 2 Timothy 2:15 which says, "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."