"for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ"
- Ephesians 4:12
Whoever senses a call to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ and has a desire to serve others in the body of Christ.
The vision of the school is to provide another opportunity to draw closer in an abiding relationship with Jesus resulting in lasting fruit in our lives. One of our greatest desires at Horizon is to disciple believers in Jesus. Many people say they would like to serve but lack the equipping to do it. Our goal is to equip you as best we can for ministry in your home, church, city, country, and the entire world. God is not looking for great people; He’s looking for available people. Are you available?
The cost of each class is simply your time that God has graciously given you, and to purchase the book required for some classes either online or from HCF (we will have them in stock for your convenience).
1. Romans
This course will focus on what it is that Christ has done for us through the Gospel of grace. In the book of Romans, Paul lays out the most systematic argument for the gospel in the Scriptures. Through this course we should come to a solid foundation of what the gospel is, and how through it we can live the Normal Christian Life according to God’s grace with complete reliance upon the person of Jesus. As William Newel said concerning the book of Romans, “To preach devotion first and blessing second is to reverse God’s order, and preach law and no grace.”
2. Acts of the Holy Spirit
This course will focus on the work of the Holy Spirit from a scriptural standpoint, and on the work of the Holy Spirit through the body. The purpose of this course is through much practical use and prayer the Lord will help us to see our gifts and calling appointed by God so we can effectively use those gifts and callings God ordained within the body of Christ. If you have always wondered where you fit in the body then this is a time to seek the Lord and His word. Find out who He is calling you to be within the body of Christ.
3. Inductive Bible Study
This course will focus on the study of the Word. Many people have often wondered how to effectively study the Bible. This is one of the most exciting classes as we learn to study the Word. Allowing the Holy Spirit to be our teacher and allowing the Word to be the best commentary on the Word. We will learn how to accurately study the Word in our own personal study time, to teach group studies, and prepare a sermon without the use of many commentaries. I have found many people would love to teach others the Word but just need some direction on how to prepare a study. When we are done with this course, within a short time and by the work of the Holy Spirit, you will be able to prepare a Bible study in the middle of Asia or prepare a short message for our children’s Sunday school class. We are called to this (2 Timothy 2:15) “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
4. Evangelism
Many of us desire to share our faith though many times we have a wrong perspective, fears, and simply feel ill equipped to do so effectively. In this course we will talk about what evangelism is, how it worked in the Bible, and leave you with some simple tools to do it on your own. This course will include practical assignments as well.
5. Biblical Counseling
There is a lot of counsel out in the world nowadays, but there is so little success, and no wonder! Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor. In this class we will talk about the difference between worldly counsel and biblical counsel. We will look at the sufficiency of God’s word to counsel. We will look at how to practically apply that to our own lives and the lives of others.
6. Revelation
In this class, we will come to a better understanding of the days we live in and where we are headed. There is only one book in the Bible with a promised blessing, so in this class we will seek to overview the book of Revelation while putting the other prophecies in the Bible in their proper place. (Revelation 1:3) – “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” We will look at the time of the Gentiles, church age, first half of the Tribulation, second half of the Tribulation, kingdom age, and heaven.
7. Survey Course (Bible Survey with Chuck Smith)
This is probably the most significant class you will take. Since the Word is our foundation for practice and faith nothing would be more valuable than taking a survey through the entire Bible. There are approximately 300 plus survey teachings so if you listen 1-2 a day you will have completed the whole survey in one year. The purpose of this is to give you a good foundation in the big picture of Scripture, and to let God wash you in the water of His Word; all the while renewing your mind with the truth of His Word. Because “whatever a man sows, that he will also reap,” this will become life transforming to “he who has an ear to hear”. Along with this you will answer questions from each teaching and take a small page of notes. When you are complete you will have your very own Bible commentary!