250216 Sermon Questions

Bible study dates: 2-16-25
Bible study Themes: 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 – “Healthy Marriage Antidote” (Healthy Intimacy)

THROUGH THE BIBLE READING 1.Do you have any thoughts or questions on your “Through the Bible” reading plan?

1. What could be the harm of us condemning sexual immorality, but not encouraging and promoting healthy sexual intimacy within marriage? What has been produced in our culture because of this?

2. (Vs 1) (READ SOS 2:3, 3:1) According to our study, why is purity essential for a healthy marital relationship?  When not dealt with, as Jesus challenged the woman at the well (John 4), what would be the results in a marriage eventually?  Does getting married solve all sexual sin?  What has been your experience either as a single or married?

3. (Vs 2) (READ SOS 4:1, 5:12, 6:9) According to our study, why is sexual “singularity” so important within a marriage.  Reference (Proverbs 5:15-20) for a quick reference?  We mentioned a few, but what are a few possible routes that our God-given passion for intimacy could be spilled into instead of our spouse or spouse to be?  Do you have any you need to confess, and repent of today?  Maybe do some research, what would happen if the dam system on the Mississippi was removed to keep the depth and flow of the river focused for best boat travel.  This is like what happens when we remove that focus in our marriage intimacy.  Discuss the illustration.

4. (Vs 3) (Read SOS 4) According to our study, we see that we are to be passionate from the heart in our marital intimacy?  What are some excuses that can be made for this, and discuss some of the solutions given in our study. What is the danger of going through the motions without the emotions?

5. (Vs 4) (READ SOS 7) In our study we looked at how God has called us to “selflessness” in our marital intimacy by His design.  If you are married, discuss some of the sexual differences you have had to overcome in your marriage.  Imagine a marriage where we live out (Phil 2:3-5).  Ask your spouse (if you are married) if there are ways you could bless them, and then take them into prayerful consideration.

6. (Vs 5) (READ SOS 5-6) In our study, we looked at how we are encouraged to have intimacy “often”. Within your own marriage, or in your marriage to come, how often is often enough considering the warning in this passage of Scripture.  When we do feel “deprived” by our spouse, what is a proper way to respond that may induce more healthy marital intimacy in the future according to our study?  In what ways do you need to grow in this (if married)?  

7. Discuss the statement, “Before we are married, Satan does everything he can to get us together, after marriage he will do everything he can to keep us apart”.  

MEMORY VERSE: (1 Corinthians 7:3)

1. What ministries have you been participating in this week, and what ways do you as an individual or a group want to pray about participating in in the weeks to come?

PRAYER – (1 Peter 5:7, Gal 6:2)

1. In what ways has God answered your prayer requests from your last Acts 2:42 meeting?

2. Share your prayer requests with one another, and write them down. Pray for one another and bear each other’s burdens to the Lord.


