241208 Sermon Questions

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” as explained in (Acts 2:46) “And continuing daily with one accord in the temple (corporate Sunday/Wednesday gatherings at HCF), and breaking bread from house to house (Acts 2:42 home fellowships), they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.” Resulting in (Acts 2:47) “. . . and the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.”
To be used in one-on-one, group, or family settings.  We encourage the enjoyment of a meal or refreshments together (breaking of bread), spiritual conversation (fellowship), time discussing how the Word applies to our lives, and time of praying together during these simple gatherings.  Simply do life as believers should, and invite others to join you.
Bible study dates: 12-8-24
Bible study Themes: The “Depths” of God’s Wisdom
  • Do you have any thoughts questions on your “Through the Bible” reading plan?

  • (Vs 6) In what ways have you seen in your own life, or are seeing in the world around us, the way in which man’s wisdom “come to nothing” or more literally are “of no effect”?  
  • (Vs 9) Have you ever thought much about how God has “prepared” things for those who love Him?  Share a time when you spent time preparing something for someone you love, why you did it, and how you were feeling as you were preparing to share with them what you had done? 

  • (Vs 12) Discuss some of the many “things that have been freely given to us by God.”  Search the Scriptures, or read through (Eph 1-3) to discover some of these treasures that are found for us freely by God’s grace.

  • (Vs 16) Since “we have the mind of Christ”, discuss by searching the gospels particularly and the rest of Scripture to see what the mind of Christ is.  What would it look like to appropriate our new mind in Christ. Hint to start (Matthew 11:29-30, Phil 2:5-11) etc.  Note how Jesus thinks about people, about situations, etc.

  • MEMORY VERSE: (1Corinthians 2:12) – “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been frely given to us by God.”
  • SENDING/ SERVICE – (Acts 1:8)
  • What ministries have you been participating in this week, and what ways do you as an individual or a group want to pray about participating in in the weeks to come?
PRAYER – (1 Peter 5:7, Gal 6:2)
  • In what ways has God answered your prayer requests from your last Acts 2:42 meeting?

  • Share your prayer requests with one another, and write them down. Pray for one another and bear each other’s burdens to the Lord.


