250119 Sermon Questions


“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” as explained in (Acts 2:46) “And continuing daily with one accord in the temple (corporate Sunday/Wednesday gatherings at HCF), and breaking bread from house to house (Acts 2:42 home fellowships), they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.” Resulting in (Acts 2:47) “. . . and the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.”
To be used in one-on-one, group, or family settings.  We encourage the enjoyment of a meal or refreshments together (breaking of bread), spiritual conversation (fellowship), time discussing how the Word applies to our lives, and time of praying together during these simple gatherings.  Simply do life as believers should, and invite others to join you.

Bible study dates: 1:19-25
Bible study Themes: (1 Corinthians 5:5-13) – PART 2 of Church discipline and Immorality
  1. Do you have any thoughts or questions on your “Through the Bible” reading plan?

  1. (Vs 5) we talked about the 1st reason for church discipline which was ultimately the spiritual wellbeing of the believer. In what ways is it against our natural bent to help people when we act in church discipline?  In what ways has God used your backslidings to rebuke you as we talked about in light of Israel (Jer 2:19) or the prodigal (Luke 15)?

  1. (Vs 6-8) We discovered the importance of church discipline (the church Body immune system) for the sake of the overall health of the body.  Why would it be dangerous for anyone to believe their sin only affects themselves?  In what sense are we responsible and accountable to one another in the Body of Christ? Think about the illustration of the body.

  1. (Vs 9-10) What could be the danger of the church applying church discipline to the lost in the world? How is it that we as Christians are to reach the world as Jesus did yet not be infected by the world.  Discuss Jesus' approach from Matthew 9:9-13.  Do you have witnessing relationships with the lost in the world? If not, in what ways could you initiate those relationships to fulfill Mark 16:15?

  1. (Vs 11-13) Read Matthew 7:15-23 and discuss how the believer is to judge the believer?  What would be the danger of a person being “named a brother”, and not living up to their calling in Christ (Eph 4:1) and never being made aware of it?  

  1. (Vs 11-13) Most of us with a home will discern who is or isn’t good to let into our physical home. There is a reason we put locks on our doors. Why do we do this in the Church, and how is the Church corporately any different? Discuss?
MEMORY VERSE: (1 Corinthians 5:6)

  1. What ministries have you been participating in this week, and what ways do you as an individual or a group want to pray about participating in in the weeks to come?

PRAYER – (1 Peter 5:7, Gal 6:2)

  1. In what ways has God answered your prayer requests from your last Acts 2:42 meeting?

  1. Share your prayer requests with one another, and write them down. Pray for one another and bear each other’s burdens to the Lord.


