250302 Sermon Questions

Bible study dates: 3-2-25
Bible study Themes: 1 Corinthians 7:17-35  “Healthy Singles Part 1”
  • Do you have any thoughts questions on your “Through the Bible” reading plan?

  • (Vs 17-28) we talked about being content as single, or as married.  We discussed how it is possible to be content anywhere, anything, in any situation.  Read (Phil 4:11-13) and explain why or why not you have learned to be content as Paul says “in whatever state I am in.”

  • We discussed why it is important to be content.  It will obviously prevent us from falling into sin as we used the example of Joseph in (Genesis 39) with Potifers wife. What are some other reasons we need to be content as single or married?

  • In (Vs 29-35) we discussed how as singles, or married we should be “seeking the kingdom”.  In what ways are you following the pattern discussed about Master (Jesus’ Lordship over your life, mission (serving Jesus where you are today), mate (finding a mate who has the same Lord, and same mission as you?

  • Discuss the imortance of the statement “Healthy singles = healthy marriages”.  If you are single, in what ways do you see yourself prepared for marriage, in what ways do you see growth needed?  If you are married how do you plan on changing the focus of your marriage, concerning contentment and seeking the Kingdom?

  • If married or single, how does it affect the way you live to understand that as (Vs 31) “the form of this world is passing away”, and this form of marriage (Matthew 22:30), but we have a far better pleasure awaiting us in glory (Revelation 21-22, Psalm 16:11)?

  • If single, what ways can you or are you using your singleness for the kingdom of God? If married how are you using your marriage to furthing the Great Commission(Matthew 28:19-20)?

  • MEMORY VERSE: (1Corinthians 7:35)
  • SENDING/ SERVICE – (Acts 1:8)
  • What ministries have you been participating in this week, and what ways do you as an individual or a group want to pray about participating in in the weeks to come?

PRAYER – (1 Peter 5:7, Gal 6:2)
  • In what ways has God answered your prayer requests from your last Acts 2:42 meeting?

  • Share your prayer requests with one another, and write them down. Pray for one another and bear each other’s burdens to the Lord.


